Marketing with Video
Video marketing is one of the fastest and most memorable ways for a brand to deliver quality content to a useful target market. But anyone who has created video content will be the first to tell you that videos are high risk, high reward. Video content is expensive by nature.
Quality video content is not trivial to capture, and buying stock video from reputable vendors will set you back accordingly for quality content. Considerations must be made for video and audio editing, including procuring the perfect track that you feel captures the brand’s image and vibe. On top of all this, the primary concern of marketing with video is to create compelling content that turns a consumer un-friendly but commonly accepted practice, unskippable ads, into an important tool that will enhance your brand’s image and generate sales.
That’s a lot to take in, but 2020 eConsulting is here to help take the hassle and guesswork out of effective video marketing. So let’s discuss why and how 2020 will help you embrace video marketing to assist your overall Digital Marketing Campaign.
The Hard Truth
A quick survey of the numbers from a few statistical firms shows that somewhere between 56% and 95% of viewers skip video advertisements as quickly as possible. While the extremes of this range may be an indication of the difficulty of studying online consumers, the main take away should be that most users are not going to watch the content you’re paying to produce. And that’s okay. Rather than try to change your targets’ habits, start taking advantage of the tools you have available. A clever and innovative marketer will always come out on top.
Unskippable Video Ads
Formally called video pre-roll, unskippable ads are generally considered obtrusive interruptions to average users’ daily experience. Consumers have been practicing skipping ads since technology has allowed for it. Recording their favorite show to VHS every week just to fast forward through ads, taking things digital with DVR, and even being willing to pay extra for streaming services without ads. But the fact of the matter is, unskippable ads are not only here to stay, but becoming more and more common. If you’re not taking advantage of unskippable ads, your competition will be. And as more and more video delivery platforms utilize video pre-roll, consumers have come to accept unskippable ads as part of their video experience. This is good news for you and your Digital Marketing Campaign.
Effective Video Pre-Roll
Your ad has five seconds to make an impression on your target. In a conversation that’s not a lot of time to say much of anything besides hello, let alone to explain your brand, your business philosophy, the promises you make to your customers, your commitment to sustainable business practices, or your favorite breed and color of dog. Most importantly, that’s not enough time to persuade your target to do business with you.
To get any results from video pre-roll, you have to understand exactly what those five seconds give you. 2020 eConsulting can help you turn your video pre-roll into a perfect hello, an excellent conversation starter, and a branding tool, all in one. A compelling video pre-roll will make a consumer more hesitant to skip your video, and that engagement can lead to sales leads and an increase in your bottom line. And even if your target audience isn’t willing to watch your entire marketing video, quality video pre-roll will increase your brand presence and start a relationship with potential customers.
Contact 2020 today for more information on make the most of your video pre-roll and creating excellent content to contribute to your Digital Marketing Campaign.
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